Rising Demand for Cooling Systems in Africa Fuels Environmental Concerns


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  • Rising demand for cooling systems in Nigeria and other African nations might be making existing pollution problems worse.
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  • Cooling systems use gases called refrigerants.
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  • Such gases can affect the atmosphere if they escape.
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  • Some of these pollutants have been found to be more harmful than other kinds of greenhouse gases.
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  • The Nigerian government has approved restrictions on the release of refrigerant gases into the environment.
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  • But enforcement efforts for the laws have been difficult.
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  • Abiodun Ajeigbe leads an air conditioning business for Samsung, West Africa.
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  • He told The Associated Press (AP), "Those laws, those rules, nobody enforces them."
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  • Ajeigbe said one of the biggest problems is a lack of effective education and training about the possible harms of refrigerants.
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  • This means many cooling system installers might not follow legal requirements when removing old systems or putting new ones in.
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  • Some trained workers do follow environmental rules governing the use of cooling refrigerants.
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  • But these kinds of installations cost more.
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  • Industry experts and public records suggest the most common air conditioning systems in Africa use a kind of gas known by the trade name R-22.
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  • This refrigerant is said to be less harmful to the environment than older cooling chemicals known as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
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  • CFC's have largely been removed from most modern cooling systems.
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  • That change was put in motion by the 1987 Montreal Protocol environmental treaty.
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  • A document from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) says R-22 is considered many times more damaging to the world's climate than carbon dioxide.
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  • For example, about one-half kilogram of R-22 is said to equal one ton of carbon dioxide, the most common greenhouse gas.
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  • However, while carbon dioxide can stay in the atmosphere for more than 200 years, R-22 stays for about 12 years.
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  • R-22 cooling equipment is not as energy efficient as some other systems.
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  • And most of the electricity used to power R-22 coolers in Africa requires carbon-based fuels.
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  • Nigeria is planning to ban R-22 refrigerants by January 1, 2030.
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  • But without enough enforcement, that target is not likely to be met, Samsung's Ajeigbe told the AP.
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  • Some cooling systems use a group of refrigerants called hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs).
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  • These do not harm the ozone layer and are more energy efficient.
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  • But HFCs are said to be strong greenhouse gases and account for an estimated 2 percent of all human-caused warming in the atmosphere.
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  • One of the most harmful HFCs, called R-410A, is used in the second most common kind of air conditioners in Africa, the AP reported.
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  • Sellers and installers of cooling equipment in Nigeria told the news agency that although HFC systems are less damaging to the environment, they are more costly to operate.
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  • The same issues are affecting countries beyond Nigeria.
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  • In Ghana, the cooling industry also struggles to get companies and workers to obey current environmental rules.
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  • Environmental officials in Ghana told the AP that "poor servicing practices" for cooling systems are common across the country.
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  • This is largely the result of the public choosing lower-trained installers who might not follow recommended standards.
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  • In Kenya, demand for cooling systems is also growing as the population grows and electricity becomes more widely available.
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  • Cooling systems using R-22 are still common across the country.
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  • But the nation's Environmental Management Authority told the AP there have not been any new imports of the systems since 2021.
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  • Workers dealing with cooling systems and refrigerants are required to get a license.
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  • But several installation workers told the AP that since such requirements are hard to enforce, environmentally unsafe methods are carried out.
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  • I'm Bryan Lynn.